Wednesday, September 25, 2024

We Mourn Their Lives

We mourn
Not for the first time
Nor for the last I fear
Life taken in the twinkle
A blink of the eye

A man-person of color
They say he was
Something that he refused
Did not claim
Would not accept

Through trials and tribulations
Many years passing
They claimed he did
He refused them again and
Finally the crowd spoke Up

But finally was too late
To change the minds of
They who would have their
Bloodlust satisfied on the
Alter of unforgiveness

We mourn another
Another life
Another lynching
One more black body
Sacrificed at the alter

Not for the first time
Nor for the last
One more sacrifice
To a God who would demand
Blood on their hands

a dedication to the memory of Marcellus Williams and all those innocents put to death at the hands of an un-justice system.