Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Obama Deception

I came across the movie/documentary on youtube instant and watched the whole two hours while taking notes and googling information.
Whether you are an Obama supporter or not, it's a good jump off point for the NWO and deserves a viewing and discussion. Make sure to leave a comment with your thoughts after you've watched.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wait and See

I generally don't blog or Vlog about political things until something really gets my goat, and right now it seems that it's smooth sailing. Well, 'smooth' is a slippery slope; but it seems that the waters are decently calm right now.

Recently I been thinking about making a video, and I just might do that when I get back from Greece. About what, you ask? Check the title. I'm pretty much in a 'wait and see' mode right now. I've heard all the fuss, listened to many of the pundits, and watched legislation pass; now I want to see what good it's all going to do.

Yes, I believe Pres. Obama has been inching us back towards prosperity. Yes, I think that what he's done so far has been in the interest of each and every American. Yes, I subscribe to his policy of trying new, and different, things to shake up our situation a little bit. I just think it's time to let him do his work and see what happens in the next few months to years.

When I think about it, he hasn't even been in office 2 years as yet. Wow! It does seem like longer. Not even 2 years? No, he hasn't.

So let's Wait and See, people. I don't think it can get any worse than it's been. It's onward and upward from here.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Obama Doesn't Do It All Great article on Obama's successes so far in office

short excerpt: "Barack Obama's right-wing opponents cast him as a socialist failure. His left-wing hecklers see him as an overcautious hedger. But, critics notwithstanding, the President is on a path to be a huge success by the time of November's midterm elections."

Read more:,8599,1984460,00.html?xid=rss-politics-huffpo#ixzz0mK01Yknw

Monday, March 22, 2010

Elated and Dismayed: HCR passes

How in the world can I be Happy and perplexed at the same time. Health Care Reform has finally come to the United States, but it's amidst much bending of rules and twisting of truths. Not to mention, there are several strings attached that have yet to come to light under the weight of thousands of pages of fluff in the bill.

Woe is me! I'm ripped and torn. I congratulate President Obama who has worked tirelessly and had the vision to bring about Change. At the same time, I would like to take a ruler to his hand for appearing to kowtow to a Republican heirarchy that is hell-bent on destroying this country just to appear as a united front.

What do you think of these shenanigans in our government?

Here's a few facts and fallacies about the Reform Bill